• Ελληνικά
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    Soil Erosion / Greenfix Mulchmat

    SOILTEC Since 1984, SOILTEC has been at the forefront of erosion control and soil stabilization, pioneering the use of natural biodegradable materials in Greenfix range of products. Our commitment to environmentally friendly solutions has led us to utilize materials such as Barley Straw, Coir, Jute, and Wool to address erosion control and soil stabilization challenges.

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    Road Safety systems

    JUPITER/SAFEROAD/HILL & SMITH are leading suppliers of safety barriers and related products aiming at protecting people, buildings, vehicles and plant equipment. The comprehensive range includes vehicle safety barriers, bollards, parking posts, access control barriers, and speed restraints. With a focus on safety, BERRY SYSTEMS offer a complete package of services including design, installation, maintenance, and

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    Wooden Guardrails-TERTU

    TERTU is a global leader in manufacturing high-quality wooden infrastructure products that comply with European Norms. The product range is divided into three main categories: Safety, Protections, and Crossings. These categories include a variety of products such as sound barriers, guardrails, pedestrian crossings, gangways, and decking. To ensure the highest quality, TERTU source Douglas Fir

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    VALTIR Crash Cushions

    INNOVATION Valtir is an industry leader in the guardrail and end treatment business, and take several important steps to ensure the manufacturing of outstanding highway products. To stay at the forefront of innovation, Valtir collaborates with a diverse group of outside investors and transportation research institutions, leveraging the latest available technology. This allows the company

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    Wooden Noise Barriers

      The absorbing barrier is particularly recommended whenever the installation of a sound barrier risks creating a “resonance box” or when the sound returned by the barrier causes further problems. Absorbing barriers come in standard modules of 4.00m in length for a height of 1.00m. These modules are stacked to obtain heights of 2.00 m,

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    Transparent Noise Barriers

    Panacor is a leading company in Europe with transparent noise barriers.

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    Material Properties

    Resistance to Abrasion PmB is highly resistant to abrasion and protects against wear, this increases the longevity of the structure and reduces replacement costs. Adhesion PmB bonds exceptionally to both concrete and steel substrates. On site testing confirms that the PmB bond to concrete even surpasses the strength of concrete. Crack Bridging Elastic properties of

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    Odotechniki in co-operation with Pitchmastic PmB and BAYTEC, pioneers of effective durable waterproofing systems, offer a full range of products and services in the construction industry for protection against moisture and chemical corrosion. Blueshield PmB is such a system, and ideal for waterproofing all types of structures, e.g., concrete, steel, wooden, aluminium  and has a

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    FREYSSINET – Expansion Joints

    Expansion joints are designed to enable continuous traffic between two structures, accommodating structural movements due to creep, shrinkage effects, temperature variations seismic movements and deformations under live load. They are suitable for all reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, composite and steel structures, and particularly for bridge decks. expansion joints are also designed to allow sufficient vertical

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    FREYSSINET- Seismic Devices

    The protection of structures subject from the risk of earthquakes only really began in the middle of the 20th century. In the majority of cases, structures used passive protection such as shear walls in buildings or even protection based on the plastification of elements chosen in advance for bridges. Even though this type of protection

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    Elastomeric Bearings

    A Laminated elastomeric bearing is an elastomeric rubber block reinforced with steel plates vulcanised when built. This bearing is the connection between a structure and its support, and should make the following possible through elastic deformation: transmission of normal forces horizontal movements rotation of the structure in any direction transmission of horizontal forces, within defined

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    Tetron Spherical Bearings S3

    FREYSSINET – SPHERICAL ‘S3’ Bearings are advanced and sophisticated support components, offering complete structural freedom in terms of rotation and horizontal sliding. All Freyssinet bearings are manufactured in accordance with BS 5400: Section 9.2:1983. Material specifications Tetron ‘S3’ bases and rockers use maintenance-free aluminium alloy. Sliding plates are made of structural steel, faced with high

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    Tetron Disc

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    TechSpan – Precast Arch Systems

    Segmental precast concrete TechSpan® arches offer proven reliable and cost effective solutions by producing a custom made engineered product in which the design is a function of site specific requirements. The TechSpan® three pinned arch system is simple and quick to erect with minimal or no traffic disruption beneath the arch. Additionally, sections of the

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    Modular Block Walls – Freyssinet

    Mechanically Stabilised Earth Modular Block Walls Freyssinet Engineered for Aesthetics & Cost Effectiveness Reinforced Soil was originally invented by Henri Vidal in the early 1960’s.  Since this time many variations  have evolved. The total surface area of projects completed is growing at  an impressive rate. The surface area of completed projects globally exceeds ten million

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    FREYSSINET – Slabstress

    When Eugene Freyssinet developed and patented the technique of prestressing concrete in 1928, he little realised the applications to which his invention would be put in future years. Freyssinet introduced the concept of post-tensioned buildings to the UK in the 1970s with the launch of the Slabstress system. Since then thousands of square meters of

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    FREYSSINET – C Range

    The new Freyssinet C Range post-tensioning system has been developed as an answer to modern civil engineering requirements. The prime characteristic of the C range is compactness. The C range is the outcome of more than fifty years of experience in post-tensioning systems. Tendon sizes ranging from 3 to 55.15 mm diameter strands are available.

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    FREYSSINET – The inventor of the multistrand stay cable

    A parallel strand system: Freyssinet invented the robust and flexible multistrand parallel system in 1976. The Freyssinet HD stay cable is based on each strand being completely independent. This principle has many advantages, including: • installation and tensioning of each strand individually; • individual protection against corrosion; • individual removal and replacement if needed. The standard range

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